Manualidades para el 15 de Septiembre: Paper Crafts


I can’t seem to stop myself from making paper crafts.  And so I made something for our Guatemalan Independence Day celebrations.  Out of paper, of course.  (As I’ve been working on this post I’ve been cutting out paper sea horses.  Sounds weird, I know, but later I’ll post about those babies.)  So without further blabbiness, I’ll show you the photos of some simple crafts to make from paper to decorate with.  (Lo siento que no estoy escribiendo en español, pero es que estoy muy cansada, y todavia es más fácil el ingles, perdonenme!)

I’m all into banners.  So I made one for this special day.  Please feel free to download the printable pattern for this banner and use it to decorate at your house!  The download is HERE.  Included in the zipped file are 4 sheets of patterned paper that the pennants are made from.  I had hoped to get some origami boxes and things made…anyways, you could cut out other things or do some Independence Day origami.  And here are the photos.  Easy to do: print out papers, cut on grey lines, punch holes in corners, string up, decorate! 😉And another paper craft:

A paper flower centerpiece!  I used my assortment of paper punches, but you can really do anything, like just cut a few circles from paper and then glue them to skewers.  The main thing is that they are blue and white for this holiday!  (we made red and white for valentines and Canada Day!)Glue circles on the back and front of the bamboo skewer.The leaves are punched out with paper punches, too.

The jar is filled with “colored sand”, well really it was colored sugar that the kids and I colored.  I didn’t have sand or salt, so sugar it was!

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  1. Pingback: Guatemalan Crafts and Activities for Kids » Growing Up Bilingual

  2. Pingback: Celebrando la independencia de Guatemala: el 15 de septiembre | denna's ideas

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