Tag Archives: paint color ideas

Color Inspiration at Grandma’s house


Spending Easter at Grandma and Grandpa’s house was good family time.  We love their house and the cozy things we find there.  Here are some shots and spring color inspiration:

Always a cheerful welcome at the red front door…

Love the old lath and plaster walls on this almost-100-year-old house, but there are few bits left showing now…

On my windowsill at Grandma’s house….I remember those insulator things from when I was little…

A tradition in my family=puzzles!

Grandma’s always knitting something….too bad I never learned how!  Little kids love playing with the balls of yarn.

Lovely, lovely old doorknob!  Looks like the entrance to a wonderful place…

mas Colores de mi Guate…


Some more color inspiration from my vacation photos!

I think “ginger flower” or “flor de jengibre” is my favorite for today!

some of my favorite flowers from my favorite place, the ancient nunnery….

and I can’t remember the name of this plant…hen & chicks? hmmm?

follow the yellow brick wall to lower prices….

so long, playa…..

Getting ready for Leap Year…


Leap year is tomorrow!!  I’ve never really paid it much attention before, except to feel sorry for the people who are born on leap year and technically only have a birthday every four years…but this year all of a sudden I thought…here’s a day that doesn’t come around very often, we should celebrate it! (but not with commercialized sales, etc)  We should celebrate it, because the next Leap Year February day that comes around, my 5-year-old will be 9, my 7-year-old will be 11, my 11-year-old will be 15 and my 12-year-old will be 16 years old…….YIKES!!!!!!!!! and double yikes.  So tomorrow will be a celebration to freeze a moment in time, because the next time my family and I celebrate this day, our lives will be different and full of teenagers and tweens.  *sigh*  (I hadn’t actually figured out the ages until just this second as I typed this…gulp…a big lump in my throat).

So I took some photos and made up some color palettes to get myself in the mood to set up a little party for tomorrow….;)

(yes, i carved an apple instead of cleaning the counters and loading the dishwasher after lunch.)

I read that tomorrow is National Frog Legs Day in the USA (according to http://foodimentary.com/today-in-national-food-holidays/february-food-holidays/) who knew?  It will be a good day to watch the original Muppet Movie!  Maybe with a big bucket of green popcorn.  Or something, we’ll see…

I guess February 29th is also a day when traditionally a woman could ask a man out on a date, or even propose marriage to him.  (Maybe I didn’t know this because I missed out on watching the movie Leap Year, haha).  Did anyone else miss this vital piece of information?  I just did it anyways…in March….about 19 years ago…heh heh…. 😉