Tag Archives: italian ladyfingers

Groundhog ladyfingers

Groundhog ladyfingers

After posting some groundhog day treats, I felt very inspired to try something, so I looked around to see what I had on hand….and the only cookies I found were some Italian ladyfingers stashed away in the cupboard.  I’ve never tried making tiramisu nor any other dessert with them, so this seemed like a good excuse to experiment with them a bit.  There was no cream around, so I decided to use some vanilla yogurt and to make some home made pudding.  It was supposed to be vanilla pudding, but at the last minute, I threw in some cinnamon to give it a flavor that I remember from Guatemala.  Funny thing is, I was in such a rush to make the desserts (and I was on the phone at the same time) that I totally forgot to put in the butter and the vanilla!  I scraped the bowl and ate the last little bit and it tasted fine to me…..so we’ll see how this dessert turns out….it will definitely be low-fat with no cream and no butter……

Here’s the pudding recipe I use, from Hershey’s Classic Recipes Book:

2/3 cup sugar

3 Tbsp. cornstarch

1/4 tsp. salt

1/4 cup cocoa powder (optional)

2  and 1/4 cups of milk

2 Tbsp. butter or marg.

1 tsp. vanilla extract

Stir together sugar, cocoa, cornstarch and salt in a medium saucepan; gradually stir in milk.  Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture boils; boil and stir 1 minute.  Remove from heat; stir in butter and vanilla.

Pour into individual dessert dishes.  Press plastic wrap directly onto surface; refridgerate.  Remove plastic wrap.  Garnish with whipped cream and nuts if desired.   Makes 4 to 5 servings.

Instead of making chocolate pudding, I just added a piece of cinammon stick while the mixture was boiling.  It gives a fairly strong cinnamon flavor.  And I forgot the butter and vanilla!!!  I love eating this pudding while it’s warm…it’s such a homey comfort food for me!!  🙂

Layering ladyfingers and hot pudding and then cream (or yogurt)…. denna's ideas.com: groundhog day treats denna's ideas.com: groundhog day treats denna's ideas.com: groundhog day treats denna's ideas.com: groundhog day treatsMaking the groundhogs: chocolate chips for cheeks, sliced almond tops for ears and teeth, candy melts for eyes and nose…. denna's ideas.com: groundhog day treats denna's ideas.com: groundhog day treats denna's ideas.com: groundhog day treatsHappy Groundhog Day!  🙂  We’ll see if he sees his shadow or not….not much light around here today, just snow and more snow…